Hammersmith Park: incident rumours

I have been contacted by a large number of you about a possible incident that took place in or around Hammersmith Park, W12, near to the BBC yesterday. A number of you saw a large Police presence with areas taped off and I have different versions from that point onwards about what some of you were told by the police standing around the park. Sadly, each version is pretty nasty.

I have been in contact with the Police press office but they are having, it would seem, some internal communications challenges. I will publish what they send as and when I get it.

In the meantime share what you know with your fellow Bushers in the comments, in the normal way. Keep checking back here for updates.

UPDATE - Here's what the Police have just told me:

"We can confirm that police are investigating an allegation of rape which occurred at approximately 21:00hrs, on Tuesday 25th October in Hammersmith Park, W12.

The allegation was made by a 14 year-old female.

Detectives from the MPS Sapphire Unit based at Fulham Police Station are investigating.

+ 16year old male was arrested in connection with the incident and taken to West London police station - later bailed to return in early January pending further inquiries".

Sorry for the delay on updating this one - I am actually on holiday at the moment! But many thanks to those of you who alerted me to it - I think it actually pushed the Police into issuing something sooner than might otherwise have been the case - and the good thing about that is that it takes away some of the other rumours that were circulating about what had taken place.


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