Car parking charges frozen

H&F Council has frozen car parking charges in the borough to stay at £2.20 and £2.80 per hour in the quieter and busier streets. That means they won't be going up this year in a move the Council says is aimed at giving residents "respite" from the chill economic winds blowing through the country at the moment.

Here's Councillor Nick Botterill, Deputy Leader of H&F speaking to the Evening Standard:
"We know that local people are feeling the pinch and this is one way of showing our support by giving residents some financial respite. We are making sure motorists get a fair deal by not increasing our parking permits or pay and display charges."
Some might say £2.80 is already too high, but the Council does deserve credit for this and it does stand in sharp contrast to next door Westminster who seem intent on imposing new crippling car parking charges. Well done on this one.


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