Hosepipe ban to go as Bush floods

Hosepipe ban
The shipping forecast was required in parts of Shepherd's Bush this morning as water from the equivalent of hundreds if not thousands of hosepipes roared forth from what must have been a pretty large high pressure pipe underneath Wormholt Road. Someone living close by told me it had been disgorging the gallons, which were flooding the street so badly the fast flowing torrent they'd created needed fencing off from traffic, all night.

Can you imagine the volume of water that must be? As householders contemplated the new shoreline outside their houses, with the lake lapping at their front gardens having taken over the pavement as well as the road, we remarked on how many hosepipes it would have taken to waste the same amount of water.

And that's why the whole hosepipe ban, which is being rescinded today and will end tomorrow, went down like a cup of cold sick with me - water bosses who shell out vast sums to shareholders and themselves instead of fixing their own pipes - telling other people that they couldnt use a hose. It wasn't the end of the world for any of us, but Thames Water would do well to get their own house in order before trying that one again next year.

End of rant.


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