Rylett Road stabbing: Burglar disturbed

Ashchurch Terrace this evening
A street cleaner has been stabbed after disturbing a burglary on Rylett Road W12. The condition of the street cleaner is not yet known but an air ambulance is presently landing in Wendell Park in order to give assistance.

Some other roads have been temporarily closed in order to assist with the investigation and getting help to the street cleaner. But no incident has taken place on Ashchurch Terrace itself. 

I have all of this information confirmed by the local Police and will update on details as they come in. In the meantime if any of you witnessed anything get in touch with the Police as soon as you can.

1455 UPDATE - The Police have asked me to advise any witnesses or those with any information about this case to please call 101 quoting "CAD4740". I understand road closures will be in place for the time being whilst a crime scene investigation team does their work. 

1730 UPDATE - the local press are beginning to catch up, having been tipped off by a reader, but they haven't published anything yet:

1820 UPDATE - Have just spoken to Police again. I appreciate some of you may have information to the contrary but as far as they are concerned *at this time* the victim has not died. He was, however, stabbed in the chest and is therefore very seriously hurt. I will keep updating throughout this evening and will know more tomorrow. 

1255 THURSDAY UPDATE - I attended a meeting this morning as a member of the Independent Advisory Group (IAG), a group intended to liaise with the police regularly to help both the police and the communities in our area know what each other are up to, how they feel and what they need. Clearly this is an upsetting incident and I know a number of you have been in touch directly with me to express your shock and some have shared your feelings in the comments here too. 

Coming out of the meeting I was immensely reassured. Both that this incident is without any shadow of a doubt a one-off, and that there is no knock-on risk to anyone living, visiting or working in the area, but also that the police are very well aware of the need to share information with us when they can. 

The facts are essentially that a street cleaner saw a burglary taking place and tackled an individual, who then responded with extreme violence, resulting in the cleaner suffering stab wounds. He is very seriously ill indeed at St Mary's Hospital. To say he was brave in tackling the burglar would be an understatement.

The police have multiple lines of inquiry which they are looking into and would ask any of you who have any information that havent already shared it to do so. Call 101. The suspect they are seeking, who ran from the scene towards Goldhawk Road, is described as white, approximately 6'00" tall and wearing a pale shirt and blue jeans.

We know Askew Road has had violent incidents before related to drugs. This isn't one of them. The area as far as I can see, and I am there daily, is on the up. And we owe that not only to the police who are prepared to put themselves in harms way to keep it that way but also to the untold heroes who keep the streets clean and everything working. This incident underlines just how heroic they can be.

When I have more I will share it with you. In the meantime please try to treat speculation you may hear from the press or elsewhere with some skepticism unless it is a direct quote from the police. Anything else is guesswork on their part and unhelpful to both the police and the victims' family. 

Residents need to check in and out of the road
1700 UPDATE THURSDAY Cllr Greg Smith, H&F Council Deputy Leader, has said this:
"One of the borough's street cleaners is fighting for his life after he was stabbed in the chest by a suspected burglar, who he spotted, on Rylett Road yesterday. An air ambulance landed in nearby Wendell Park and our street cleaner was taken to St Mary's Hospital, Paddington, where he remains in critical condition. 
"Although this is an isolated incident, it is deeply shocking that this genuine act of bravery should end in such brutal violence and everyone at the council is thinking of our brave colleague at this difficult time. We understand that the Police investigation is ongoing and we are hopeful that an arrest will be made soon."
A number of you have asked about sending flowers or support to the victim via Serco - I will be in touch with them and get back to you about this.

1930 UPDATE THURSDAY - I am so very very sorry to have to report that the victim has died. His name was Piotr Mikewicz  and  he passed away this afternoon in hospital from a stab wound which pierced his heart. I will have another update very shortly here on developments.

2005 UPDATE THURSDAY - Cllr Greg Smith, Hammersmith & Fulham Council Deputy Leader, has just released this statement:
"Everyone at the council is deeply saddened by the tragic news that Piotr Mikewicz, who was one of the borough's dedicated street cleaners, has died after being stabbed by some scum of the earth who obviously has no regard for human life. Piotr was a hard-working man, who was a friendly face to all who knew him on his regular beat.

"Piotr was a family man who courageously tried to intervene when he spotted a crime in progress and our thoughts are with his family and friends at this extremely difficult time.

“Although this is an isolated incident, it is deeply shocking that Piotr's genuine act of bravery should end in such brutal violence and we trust that the perpetrators of this evil will be brought to justice swiftly."
Arrests have been made - all details here. As one of you just commented, rest in peace Piotr.


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