H&F asks Abu Hamza wife to "downsize"

Our Council has asked the wife of Abu Hamza, recently extradited to the United States to face trial for terrorism offences, to consider downsizing the Council owned home she currently occupies in Shepherd’s Bush.

I know the house very well. It is situated very close to a former Cabinet Ministers and another senior political figure who also lives nearby. I always thought that the prospect of members of the highest level of the British Government living cheek by jowl with someone committed to destroying the British state was ironic, but there you go.

Considering, by their own admission, our Council has absolutely no power to enforce any of this you have to regard their public announcement of this move to the press as a classic PR stunt of which Hammersmith & Fulham is so fond. But on this occasion we might forgive our publicity hungry councillors, given the circumstances.


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