To participate, use the H&F Report It app to report graffiti, flytipping, persistent dog fouling or flyposting and include a brief description of the offence. By following a few simple tips, you can help the team locate and deal with the problem swiftly:
- Include a location (e.g. a lampost number, door number, landmark, etc.)
- Clear photos are very useful
- Specify if you are reporting any white goods, by which I assume they mean electrical things like fridges, as a different vehicle may be used for collection
Some phones are not compatible with the ‘app’, and so Serco have also set up a generic e-mail address for the purpose of reporting grotspots for those users: with the subject line in your email: Grotspot
I know many of you are keen snappers of different parts of the Bush anyway so this app should prove quite useful - credit to the council for developing it. And spare a thought for the guys dispatched to clear the mess up too - these are of course the same guys who lost one of their own not so long ago, trying to prevent a house being burgled. I remember meeting some of them at Piotr's memorial service at the Baptist Church on Askew Road; we're very lucky to have them looking after our community.
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