A Chinese University Campus ... in White City

Bush Blog Editor Bart Govaert reports on the arrival of a Chinese University in the Bush ... now there's globalisation for you:

It is widely reported that Zhejiang University, one of China’s top schools, is planning a research centre in a deal with Imperial College.

The deal is non binding, so anything can still happen.

The Zhejiang London campus would be part of the Imperial West buildings that are planned.

Personally, I welcome the presence of a world class university in our area. (There was some talk of Chelsea FC moving to the site, just what we need - even more football traffic).

This being said, the overall plans for Imperial West are very ambitious indeed, with some very tall buildings, and if I would live “in the shadow” I’d be unhappy as well.

A Chinese University in White City?? It shows how the world goes nowadays.


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