Wormholt Park Village Fair


Bush Blog Editor Bart Govaert brings us up to speed with the latest bash in Wormholt Park this afternoon...

The tireless Friends of Wormholt park organized the “Village Fair”, and great it was too.

There is no doubt that all of their hard work is starting to make a difference and the park is now much nicer than it was a few years ago.

Well, they were lucky with the weather, and sometimes pictures can say it much better than lots of words.
The bouncy castle

A group from Ealing singing out their hearts.

This is the stall of the ladies of the “White City knitting club”

More stalls and in the background the new Bloom development.. The council negotiated that this development paid for much of the improvements in the park. It will also house a health centre.

All in all, a great day - they were SO lucky with the weather. And it can be said again - these people are really making a difference to our neighbourhood.


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