£177 million housing repair contract awarded

Our Council have awarded a huge contract to MITIE, who describe themselves as a "strategic outsourcing company", to perform repairs to properties in the borough over the next ten years. As ever our Council claims this is in support of its drive to cut bills but respond to residents concerns.

Here's Councillor Andrew Johnson, cabinet member for housing:
"The council carries out around 50,000 repairs a year and when we ask residents what matters most to them, repairs comes out on top time and again. We look forward to a long and successful partnership with MITIE that will further improve standards and achieve the best value for money deal for residents possible."
And MITIE are mighty pleased too. Here's their Head Honcho, the magnificently named Ruby McGregor-Smith:
“We are extremely pleased to be further developing our relationship with Hammersmith & Fulham Council. We are looking forward to delivering innovative and efficient services and supporting the vision of this forward thinking council.”
This is the second strategic partnership MITIE has with the Council having being awarded a three year £30m cyclical painting contract earlier this year.

Initiatives unique to the contract include a 24/7 contact centre, that provides a flexible appointment system enabling residents to select convenient times for repairs to take place. MITIE’s innovative approach to service delivery is expected to save the borough £20m on its repair bill over the next ten years.


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