Livingstone: H&F Tories should be jailed

More gaffes from Ken Livingstone as the old dinosaur again fell for an elephant trap placed in his path by some cunning Hammersmith Conservatives last week.

After his explosive comments to me when I interviewed him during his visit to Shepherd’s Bush Market earlier this year you might have thought he’d have learned his lesson.

But no, when challenged by Peter Graham, a Conservative councillor who also works for Greg Hands, MP for neighbouring Chelsea & Fulham, whether he’d meant to describe local Tories as “a bunch of crooks” for what they were planning on doing to the local area’s estates with property developers, against many residents wishes, Red Ken replied:

"Oh, yes. I think, frankly, you should all go to prison for what you’re doing in this borough. I think it’s what Shirley Porter did, and you’re destroying lives, and you should be ashamed of yourself. And if there’s any justice you will burn in hell and your flesh will be flayed by demons for all eternity."
Cue predictably excited tweets from the local Conservatives and local media who must be annoyed that for the second time Ken was in the borough, they missed the real story of his visit. But the real annoyance must surely be felt by Ken’s own media team, who must be thinking hard about whether to let the old bruiser anywhere near Hammersmith & Fulham ever again!


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