Shepherd's Bush drinks - an open invite

You are cordially invited to drinks at the Duchess Pub, 8pm on December 1st. Yes, unlike our property speculator friends Helical Bar this really is an open invite to the latest in a series of "tweet-ups" that started almost a year ago to the day on a cold December night in the Bush.

That night those of us who write about, talk about and live about the Bush were all, if we're absolutely honest, a little bit trepidatious about meeting up - these were, after all, potentially strange people what go on the internet. But it turned out that actually we're all quite likeable and we've done it a few times since. Although not for a long while.

Full marks go this time to @ruthbrown for doing the honours and organising the event - hopefully it will be a fun evening and I look forward to seeing you there.


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