Pavilion work begins - stunning image from reader

6am start on the Green
As I walked past the Pavilion this morning on the gym run at 6am, I was confronted by a sight I have never seen in the 10 years or so I have been there. The building had the doors open! Workers were shifting things out of the building and moving scaffolding inside - it was the start of the long promised conversion of the dilapidated hulk into a hotel which will give both the structure and the Green a very welcome return to former architectural glories.

Having sent the pic above out on Twitter several readers have responded with their own images of the building, both inside and outside. Of which the best by far, in my opinion is this one of the inside of the former 1920s cinema courtesy of Harry Burton, who was in there in order to put on a play. Speaking to me this morning he described the interior as "most atmospheric".

And here's another looking down at the stage area:

Some stunning images that evoke in my mind another hidden corner of the Bush. So many thanks indeed for sending it in. Now then - who else has got images of the Bush in times gone past?


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