Fancy writing a blog?

I was contacted yesterday by a reader who's eagle eyes had noticed that the blog hadn't been updated for some time.

I did warn you in October that this was on the way, but the reader concerned had a useful idea. How about others take it on?

He's game and so might some of you be - and if you are let me know by emailing

Having started the blog back in 2008 I've taken this about as far as I can, having had some great times along the way. It's taken me out with the police one Saturday night, down a sewer to investigate flooding, into shouty meetings of our local Council and into some of our best local businesses. I half hoped I'd get to know my local neighbourhood better and it's been more rewarding than I'd ever hoped, even with some of the darker sides to where we live.

So, over to you. Who's game?


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