H&F Hospitals: Vigils, Marches & Meetings

As the execution date draws nigh the Save our Hospitals campaign is stepping up a gear or two, and will be holding a public meeting on Wednesday 30th January at the Rivercourt Methodist Church next to the Town Hall in Hammersmith, itself a venue that has seen several packed and feisty meetings on the future of our borough.

Following this there will be a protest march from noon on Saturday 16th February, heading off from Lyric Square. That of course will be a prelude to the final pronouncement of death for Hammersmith & Charing Cross Hospitals, which has been an inevitability ever since the sham consultation was announced.

Meanwhile there are candle lit vigils taking place every Sunday between 5 and 6 pm outside both hospitals, which in the present conditions will be chilly affairs!

Be there or be somewhere else - but be angry nonetheless.


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