Shepherds Bush: Postcode of Culture 2013

In the first of the articles from the New Crew running the blog, here is an introduction from Nathalie Bristow...

We put up with a lot living in Shepherds Bush. We are judged, mocked, jeered at, driven straight through and generally overlooked by many as a postcode in our own right. Maybe people are right to simply use us a means to get to Ealing or Notting Hill or the A40? Perhaps all we are is a parking lot for Westfield?

I am here to say. No! Shepherds Bush DOES have an identity and I put it to you, members of the bloggersphere, that it is as a Cultural Centre.

Just think about it… not only have we got the obvious contenders like 02 Shepherds Bush Empire which draws in thousands a year into our patch but look harder and you can hear the hum of a thriving arts community. Bush Theatre, West London Dance Academy, Bush Hall, Ginglink, Bush Studios, Kite Studios, and writers and artists and musicians galore. I am on a mission to gather us altogether and make W12 a cultural destination.
Bush Theatre
 Bush Theatre heads up my list as it is not only held up as the corner-stone of the W12 arts community (SEVERAL estate agent sites say so so it must be true) but it is also where I work. So it is from here that I will begin my quest to bring you all the best the Bush Arts Scene (yes, it will soon warrant capitals. You saw it here first) can offer.

I will eek them out and shout about them. So, all you artists and cultured folk email me at and I will report back here. Welcome to Bush – Postcode of Culture 2013 (or something which sound more better n’ catchy. Innit)


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