Walkabout forced to close doors in shame

The Walkabout pub, source of much local violence and vomit on our streets, has been forced to shut its doors after local police acted on residents concerns. The pub, reports the Australian Times, will open as normal at 1230 on Sundays but will then operate a "one way door" policy after 1600, only allowing people to leave and not to enter.

Here's a statement from them:
“Due to a recent increase in crime on Sunday evenings, and following conversations with Hammersmith Police, we will not be opening for the next two Sundays.Following this, we will open as usual at midday on a Sunday from February 24th, but will stop new entries at 4pm, ensuring that all genuine sports fans are able to join us for all live Sunday afternoon sport.This only affects Sunday evenings and we will open our usual hours every other day of the week"
We've had a number of classics from the one building that does more to damage the image of Australia and New Zealand than any other, from pissed up punch ups involving rugby players to vicious assaults. The owners seem not to mind so long as they can carry on selling lager, and even applied for a 2am license recently.

Now, it seems, the Walkabout is finally being brought to heel. And for those of us who've had to walk past the leering, swearing patrons the best is yet to come ... for the Australian Times is fizzing with angry drinkers, who feel robbed. Let's hear from some of them.

Here's Divan Gerber speaking on facebook:
“What the hell? It’s a tradition going from the Church to Walkie, just up the damn security as they do with all other events that have security/crime concerns.”
Thanks for that Divan. Here's Michael Mckinley:
“London’s ruining our backpackers tradition"
Sorry about that Michael. But I've saved the best till last. Here's the superbly named Leith McGoodbloke.

Yes ... Leith McGoodbloke! Mr McGoodbloke rages thus:
“This is a sad day… The Walkie has cancer and will be dead soon. I’m glad I lived in London during the Walkie’s prime. May snakebite Sunday and the great times it facilitated Rest in Peace."
Sensitive souls, all. 


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