Bush Market: Court battle starts

Our Council finds itself landed back in the High Court on Monday and Tuesday as the shopkeepers of the Goldhawk Road, which were publicly promised they would be protected by the Leader of H&F only to be sold down the river, fight for their futures.

Supported by the majority of Market traders, the shopkeepers will have a sense of deja-vu having already defeated the Council in court over the way in which the whole process has been handled, with a Judge ruling it illegal. Despite talking tough on issues of law n ordah our Council has proceded ahead anyway, and issued the shopkeepers with compulsory purchase orders.

We have already established that the actual fate of the shopkeepers now hangs on the result of the 2014 local elections. If the current administration falls it will be the end of the current scheme. And Transport for London, who own the land, recently revealed that they oppose the scheme.

But this battle is important nonetheless and will be keenly watched by residents, councillors and their colleagues at Orion the property developers too. 


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