Wee man of the Bush Mark II

Here we go again... two scummy Bushers have been caught using lifts as their own personal pissoirs and, in keeping with their tough approach to crims, our Council have dutifully made them famous by, er, exposing them. Last time this led to blogreaders identifying the wee man of the bush, who was threatened with eviction.

Lucky readers can even watch these scumbags at it or just gaze at their mugs - but whatever they do people are urged to identify these culprits by calling the Estate Support and Security Manager on 07747 008 744 or email paul.herbert@lbhf.gov.uk

The first incident took place at Shepherds Court on the Charecroft Estate on Thursday, May 23.

The time is 3.40pm, when children are returning home from school, and this yob can clearly be seen emptying the contents of his bladder onto the floor of the lift.

Aged in his early 20’s the lout is wearing grey tracksuit bottoms, a grey hooded-top and a black ‘North Face’ Jacket.

The second incident takes place at Roseford Court, also on the Charecroft Estate at 5.30pm on Friday, June 14.

A youth is seen entering the lift on the 17th floor. He glances towards the CCTV camera before urinating in the corner of the lift. The second culprit in in his late teens or early twenties and has short black hair. He is wearing grey trainers, jeans and a grey top.

Both of these appalling acts were captured by Hammersmith & Fulham (H&F) Council’s state-of-the-art CCTV surveillance system which is linked in to numerous estates across the borough. The council also has a dedicated estate support and security service that works tirelessly to clamp down and identify antisocial behaviour on estates using the CCTV.

All images are relayed back to the council's main CCTV control room at Hammersmith Town Hall where trained operatives scour the footage looking for incidents of crime and antisocial behaviour.

Councillor Andrew Johnson, cabinet member for housing said:
“These are truly disgraceful acts committed by mindless morons who simply refuse to live by the rules of a civilised society. These two people must be known on the Charecroft Estate and I hope that law-abiding residents will come forward and tell us who they are so we can name, shame and punish them.

“The message to hooligans like this is even when you think that there is no-one around, we are watching you.”


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