Hospital closures: protest outside NHS AGM

Friday will see protestors outside the annual general meeting of NHS North West London, which covers the area where both Hammersmith and Charing Cross Hospitals are set to lose their A&E departments and much of their other capacity. The protest is being led by the community coalition established in opposition to the cuts.

The protestors will include people from Ealing as well as Hammersmith & Fulham and no doubt beyond as well. It follows numerous street stalls in both Hammersmith and Shepherd's Bush, including some bizarre new coalitions (Anarchist-Conservative anyone!) and other shenanigans. 

The details are as follows: 
  • Methodist Central Hall, 1 Storey’s Gate Westminster
  • 7th September from 12-1pm. (The AGM starts at 1)
This is the first significant activity of the campaign since before the summer break, which brought political foes and all sections of the community together at this meeting in July. It's set to be a long and hard fight, not least because NHS bosses are on record as saying they don't much care what local people think. 

Which is nice. 


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