Piotr Mikiewicz: Man charged with murder

Roger Philip Buckingham, 30 (18/6/82) of Bentworth Road, W12 was today charged  with Piotr Mikiewicz's murder. Piotr was just 40 years old and a streetsweeper, much valued by both his colleagues and the residents he served across our community. 

Mr Buckingham was further charged with possession of an offensive weapon, theft of a motor vehicle and burglary at an address in Rylett Road W12 on Wednesday 29 August.

He will appear in custody at Westminster Magistrates' Court this Monday, 3 September.

Five other people arrested on suspicion of assisting an offender have been bailed to return on a date in October.

Meanwhile I spoke to Serco, for whom Piotr worked, today. We can expect an online donation facility to be available on their website next week for the many of you who have expressed a wish to assist his family. 

Monday 1440 UPDATE - I've just heard that Mr Buckingham will appear at the Old Bailey in December to begin his trial for murder and attempted burglary. I ran past Wormwood Scrubs today on an early morning one and saw the vans outside the door ready to transport inmates, and wondered whether he was one of them. I think it will take a long time for the events of the last few days to recede - and of course for many, particularly those who knew Piotr, they never will. 


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