Piotr Mikewicz Memorial Fund

Following the horrific murder which took place last week a memorial fund has been set up for Piotr’s family in response to the many donations received from members of the public.

Donations can be made to: A/C: Serco Limited: Piotr Mikewicz Memorial Fund, HSBC Bank plc, Sort Code 400250, Account Number 61337068.

Letters of condolence can be sent c/o Sophia Coulson, ELRS, H&F Council, 77 Glenthorne Road, Hammersmith, W6 0LJ. Letters will be forwarded on to Piotr's family

1430 UPDATE - Details of tomorrow's memorial service have just come to me from those organising it. They are as follows:

Memorial to Piotr Mikewicz

We will be opening Askew Road Church (corner of Bassein Park Road) from 1.30 to 2.30 p.m. on Wednesday (5th September) for those who would like to come for a quiet reflection on the events of last Wednesday at around the same time. Everyone will be welcome.

The Church is on the top floor so if you are disabled or want to bring a pushchair please ring the bell at the Bassein Park Road entrance so that you can use the lift. Otherwise the main door in Askew Road will be open.


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