Bush police watched by millions

With thanks to a reader I've come across this extraordinary video, which has been watched by over 7.5 million people thus far. It starts with one of the many wacky performers you get outside the central line tube, in this case a clearly very talented young guy who somehow manages to create dance beats with the use only of his mouth!

Enter stage left two of the Shepherd's Bush Safer Neighbourhood Team, who it's fair to say give a frankly embarrassing account of themselves. Junior plod, who seems to have ants in his pants, even violently shoves his notebook against the camera being used to film them while senior plod gets into a very long circular argument and starts using passive aggressive tactics: "so you're saying you know the law better than us, eh?!"

At the end, the performer simply says he's off anyway, and starts packing up which should really have been it. But senior plod clearly hasn't had his fill of aggro and starts another argument by demanding to know why "you started filming me, it's not very nice is it?", followed by junior plod who keeps opening and closing his notebook warning "well, we'll clash again then won't we."

It's pretty clear both of them were itching to find an excuse to arrest the performer, who wisely resists the temptation to give them that opportunity.

I'm sure the police had to do something - after all better that than what I experienced at the hands of the Westfield heavies a couple of years ago. But having seen some of the best local police in action around the Bush, it's pretty clear that people skills are maybe not the key strengths of all of their colleagues. Must do better.


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