West Ken: PR machine revs

Lucky residents of the West Kensington & Gibbs Green Estates have sent me this letter, which they are grateful to the Council and their colleagues at CapCo, the property developers for.

It couldn't be more patronising. Of the scheme, which 80% of them have fought tooth and nail, preferring to keep their community intact, it says this:
"we have always believed it will make lives better for you, the estates residents"
Oh! Silly me! It was about making residents lives better all along. But hang on, what's this, just days earlier?
“This major regeneration could lead the way in lifting the country out of recession – ploughing hundreds of millions of pounds worth of investment into London’s economy"
Could that be the same Nick Botterill, Leader of H&F? It surely could. Only in this borough, from this administration, would you hear the sort of North Korean hyperbole that claims a single luxury flat development is going to single handedly lift the United Kingdom out of the deepest recession since the Wall Street Crash.

Either way, it ignores the inconvenient fact that there is a Court battle to get through first, which commences on July 17th.


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