Rubbish app!

Bush Blog Editor Simon Grange reports on how the reality which follows an announcement can sometimes disappoint:

Back in March, Chris reported on the new smartphone app launched by our Council together with Serco to allow residents to report fly-tipping, rubbish, graffiti, problems with street furniture etc. This is a great idea, or at least, it could be, but there seems to be a problem.

I have been putting the app through its paces over the course of the last few weeks. On three separate occasions I have filed a report on some furniture that was dumped in a nearby street. On each occasion, 48 hours after submitting the report, I received automated emails from the council announcing “Your report has completed!” So far so good

… and yet the pile of rubbish remains! A link in the body of the council email takes me to a report. The title of the report gives the address outside which the furniture has been dumped, yet the report reads “EN - Enquiry Closed : Require more detail on address”; on another occasion “EN - Enquiry Closed : Nothing Found”. Come on guys! I think you can do better. The rubbish is still there today.

But it’s not all doom and gloom. A faulty streetlight was repaired within 48hrs – so perhaps there is some light at the end of the tunnel.


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