£60 million sticking plaster for Hammersmith Flyover

Costain the road people have been awarded a massive contract by Transport for London of £60million to extend the lifetime of the crumbling Hammersmith flyover which threatened to disrupt last years Olympics. The road, which bears the weight of 90,000 vehicles daily, is in dire shape. According to the Evening Standard the contract is the first in a series with Transport for London worth £200 million. Work on the flyover, which will include reinforcing, waterproofing and resurfacing, is expected to begin in October.

Our Council is not best pleased. Here's Leader Nick Botterill:
“We know that vital repairs are necessary to the flyover but this needs to be the last time TfL spends a huge amount of taxpayers’ money on maintaining this monstrosity. Any other cash set aside for future work to the flyover needs instead to be pumped into making the flyunder a reality".

“A new tunnel solution would dramatically improve the quality of life for thousands of west Londoners and link the riverfront with Hammersmith town centre for the first time since the 60s.”
Difficult to disagree.


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