H&F Council fines: reader competition

Yesterday evening's Panorama programme was reputation-shredding for this Council. From motorists being forced into committing other motoring offences for fear of Bagley Junction, known as the "money box" in reference to our Council's profiteering, through to officials demanding a "rap on the knuckles" for their colleagues who were outrageously determined to comply with Freedom of Information requests, a host of independent experts concluded H&F was more about extracting cash to enable them to claim they were a "low cost borough" than anything to do with traffic management.

In my article yesterday I highlighted the "no right turn" rule for the turning from Bloemfontein Road into Bryony Road as an example. The Council, in correspondance I have seen, admits that the signage is inadequate and for that reason from 2008-2010 did not enforce the rule. But in 2010 they had a change of heart and since then have made nearly £200,000 from it.

A reader has sent me a pic of the junction and I share it as an example of what our Council seem to be up to. Have a look and see if you can spot the "no right turn" sign. And bear that in mind when you hear our Council suggest it's all about easing congestion.


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