Wormholt Park Spring Clean

Bush Blog Editor Bart Govaert took part in a community clean up of what has, for a long time, been a forgotten corner of the Bush on Sunday.

Recently brought back to life by the Friends of Wormholt Park, who marked the park's centenary in spectacular fashion in 2011, the spring clean was another step towards the regeneration of this part of our area:

The Friends of Wormholt Road joined forces with Hammersmith and Fulham Council to organize a spring clean.

Here are a few pictures of the event.

Volunteers with the council van

Logistics support - Tea and biscuits are always a must!

Some of the volunteers with (part of) their haul

Wormholt park is less well know than the bigger Ravenscourt Park, but it is a nice little park nevertheless. It used to have a dubious reputation, and there are still the occasional hoodies with dogs and small dealers, but in the last few years it has noticeably improved and it became (again) a much more pleasant and well used green space. Clearly, we have the Friends of Wormholt to thank for this!

There are plans to upgrade the park, as part of the development of the White City Collaborative Health Centre at the Bloemfontein Road side of the park. This development also includes 170 flats, and my understanding is that the developer will pay for the park works.


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