Bush Market: Inquiry evidence underway

The public inquiry into our Council's plans to forcibly redevelop our market against the wishes of the majority of traders and shopkeepers is heating up. A mole tells me that the Council's QCs are struggling to justify the way in which they have handled the process. Unsurprising since it has already been found to be illegal by the High Court.

Orion the property developer, who managed to get our Council to renege on publicly made promises made by Stephen Greenhalgh not to demolish the Goldhawk Road shops, is up soon followed by the traders and shopkeepers themselves.

The evidence already submitted by many of the traders and shopkeepers is really moving. Stories include arriving in the UK as refugees from the racist evictions of Idi Amin's Uganda in the 1970s, having lost everything, and literally building up again from scratch. These are the people Orion think should be grateful for being evicted and turned from owners of their businesses to leaseholders in a new development with none of the authenticity that brings people from far and wide to W12.

No wonder they're not prepared to be pushed around. Not even by Boris.


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