Toby Young to stand in Hammersmith

Top Tory Toby
West London Free School founder Toby Young is hinting heavily that he will stand for the Tories in the Hammersmith constituency, which includes Shepherd's Bush, at the next General Election. Speaking to the Telegraph in an online Q&A Mr Young said:
“The Hammersmith Conservative Association will shortly be advertising for a candidate to stand in 2015 and I am thinking of applying. I haven’t made up my mind yet. Indeed, I have written about the pros and cons in tomorrow’s Spectator.”
Last time around I thought the Tory challenger Shaun Bailey was effectively torpedoed by his own side, as he was left floundering trying to justify our Council's various ill conceived property developer plans in classic Tory voting territories. Despite their hasty u-turns Mr Bailey was rejected by the electorate.

I suspect the lesson will have been learned. And given the very bad blood between Mr Young and the current incumbent Andy Slaughter, a thoroughly bad tempered contest may be in prospect.


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