Council urges residents to recycyle

Stop burning your money! is the rallying cry from our Council in a provocative new push to encourage us to recycle more. The same authority who has been found to routinely fleece motorists with sneaky traffic cameras is seeking to position itself as a guardian of your cash while picking up some green credentials along the way.

Pointing out that every tonne of clean and dry recycling costs just £24.50 to recycle, while black bags cost £145 to incinerate, deputy Leader of the Council Greg Smith said:
“We spend £21m every year cleaning our streets, collecting rubbish and recycling, and getting rid of this waste.  But the more residents recycle, the more they can save.
“If all the recycling sacks we collected last year had contained only correct items and not things we cannot recycle, like textiles, builders’ rubble and food, then the council could have saved more than £384,000. That is a huge sum of money to forfeit and could instead be spent more bobbies on the beat, improving parks and putting more books on the shelves in our libraries.
All power to them for encouraging more recycling, for which they deserve credit. But given their record elsewhere I'm not sure many residents are about to accept that this Council has saving their money in mind. More like saving theirs.


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