Air Ambulance: Police and man injured in scuffle

The Air Ambulance which landed dramatically on Shepherd’s Bush Green on Friday was called due to an arrest that went wrong, landing a police officer and a suspect in hospital. In the end the air ambulance wasn’t needed.

I’m told by police that they were called to a domestic dispute at 1100 at an address just off Goldhawk Road on Titmuss Road. A 41 year old man was involved in a dispute with a woman in her 60s and was suspected of assaulting her.

An officer attempted to arrest the man and in a scuffle both of them fell down some stairs, receiving injuries in the process. Having been taken to hospital the officer was later discharged while the suspect remains in hospital in a stable condition with a hip injury.

The community safety unit at Fulham Police Station is investigating while the Met’s Professional Standards Body will also oversee the investigation.


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