Private Eye: H&F Council in tax trouble

Well, it's another of what has become our Council's weekly appearances in the Rotten Boroughs section of Private Eye.

Following my article which raised questions about the tax arrangements of the authority the satirical magazine ran this piece - this week it seems they've delved further and found that Her Majesty's Revenue & Customs think that there are many other cases to answer at Hammersmith Town Hall.

The likely punishments for tax avoidance involve fines - which would be paid witth your cash. 

Oh, and my favourite Top Tory is in trouble for swearing. I've raised Greg Smith's exuberances once or twice before and it doesnt come as any surprise that his opponents have taken advantage of his potty mouthed outbursts. But to be frank I think they should leave him alone, I think it's great to have politicians who are not boring cardboard cut outs!

But their repeated appearances in the Eye will be very f*%^ing unwelcome for the press team down at the Town Hall.


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