A meeting took place earlier this week between property developers Orion and the traders of our Market.
I wasn't able to attend but our MP Andy Slaughter did, and wrote this on his website today.
The meeting took place on Monday at Bush Hall.
Speaking on his website he said:
"Last Monday’s meeting with Orion did very little to clear up the uncertainty in relation to the development of the market itself. The loss of affordable residential accommodation in the area and the demolition of an historic row of shops are not given enough weight in the report to the planning committee. In addition to the implications of the development on the livelihoods of the market traders, there is the scandal of losing 27 flats for homeless people, the Daycentre and the shops on Goldhawk Road – all for the sake of 212 mainly luxury high-rise flats".
Aside from the detail of the meeting it is clear, as it always has been and despite promises made to the contrary by Council Leader Stephen Greenhalgh, that the infamous planning committee will - shock horror - approve the plans despite the reservations of residents. Remind you of anything? At all?
The real realities of this situation seem to me to be twofold - Firstly, and away from the theatre of what will be another farcical planning committee next Wednesday, the real power decision is actually going to be made in the Courts during May 15-16 as a result of the judicial review brought by the shopowners who stand to lose their buildings on Goldhawk Road over abuse of process by our Council.
Secondly, and several weeks before that Court date, a certain Mr Boris Johnson has an appointment with the electors of London. If Ken Livingstone keeps his slender lead and wins that election, these plans in their entirety will be binned because the Mayor's approval is needed for them under the terms of the London Plan.
You can bet your bottom brick that Orion is hoping for a Tory victory...
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