Boris comes to Hammersmith

People's Question Time will be coming to Hammersmith Town Hall on 7th March and it may well be worth grabbing yerselves a ticket which you can do here. I've been to two other events like this, which are in theory about the Mayor of London getting to answer questions directly from Londoners in a apiece of direct democracy. Doors open at 6pm.

Boris sometimes is a bit too honest at these events, such as his answer to my question to him at the event in Greenford when I asked him why no disabled facilities had been included in the new Shepherd's Bush tube station design. Adjustments for disabled people were far too expensive, he said. Oh.

This Question Time will of course be taking place only a matter of less than 8 weeks before election day - and will therefore be very well attended by press and the Mayor is likely to want to make a splash somehow. And surely this can't have had anything to do with the Mayor's decision to kaybosh the Hammersmith King Street luxury flats development can it? You may wish to have some questions to Boris about the Shepherd's Bush Market luxury flats development or any other local issues you would wish to flag up to the great man for a pre-election comment on.

I'll be there - hope to see some of you too.


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