Askew Road "Bup" is no more

The Sun Pub, which closed down as the first gusts of recession swept across the Bush, was not really missed by most. The haunt of thick set men with gold sovereign rings and even thicker necks, it sat opposite the second hand furniture emporium, above which was a drug dealers den. In that den, one of several on Askew Road, a young man called Jaabe Roberts was murdered in June 2010.

Nowadays neither the drug den, nor the furniture store are there anymore and the sovereign ring wearers have gone somewhere else, but speculation has remained about the fate of the Sun Pub which was widely rumoured to be turning into a Waitrose store. I reported this after it was confirmed locally by a Councillor but it seems they were getting ahead of the game. Meanwhile. however, the Askew Road has been seriously on the up winning rave reviews for the new businesses on the road and driven by the Askew Business Network.

A forlorn sign still sits in the window, perhaps penned by the departing landlord - saying "This Bup is Closed". It kind of said it all really.

Now however, there appears to be a new show in town, a fresh application to rip down the facade and turn it into something better, another step on the way up for the Askew Road away from the dingy days of the past. The old application still exists which states the following:

Erection of an additional floor at roof level; erection of a part single storey part 3 storey rear extension in connection with a change of use from public house to retail on ground floor (Class A1) and 8 residential units on upper floor together with associated cycle and refuse storage; erection of a 3 storey side extension housing staircase to upper floors.(revisions comprising external modifications to the design of the front elevation)

Now a new one has been submitted in support of this, which states:

Demolition works to the main building to facilitate the proposed re-development of the site in conjunction with planning application 2011/02630/FUL.

Cllr Lisa Homan has told the local reader that has sent me this heads-up that she is still not sure whether or not it is likely to be a Waitrose. So what could it be, this "retail" unit with new flats on top? Whatever it is, I feel confident it will be an improvement on The Sun.


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