Our New Girl - Bush Theatre

A play exploring the "darker side of parenthood" opens tonight at the Bush Theatre featuring two child actors, in what I am told is a powerful piece of theatre. Called "our new girl" the Bush tells us thus:

Sometimes we have to take care of things we’re frightened of... You can’t know if you’re up to the job until that thing in front of you lives or dies.

Behind the shiny door of Hazel Robinson’s perfect London home, nothing is as it seems. Hazel's plastic surgeon husband Richard has embarked on his latest charitable quest in Haiti, leaving the heavily-pregnant Hazel with a failing business and a problem son.

When a professional nanny arrives unannounced on the Robinsons' doorstep, Hazel finds her home under the shadow of a perfect stranger with an agenda of her own.

Hot on the heels of No Romance, Nancy Harris’s hit play at the Abbey, Our New Girl is a startling psychological drama about the darker side of modern parenthood.

It plays for two months over Jan and Feb. Get yer tickets here.


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