Shepherd's Bush Market: Their day in Court

The battle between traders and the Council over the future of our Market looks set to be decided in a Court room in May this year.

I reported back in May last year that the traders had won permission from the High Court to initiate proceedings for a judicial review of the way in H&F Council has gone about the process. The legal challenge is based on a claim that our Council have failed to follow proper procedure.

The wheels of British justice turn very slowly, so it will be almost a year to the day before the Court hears the case. I understand that two dates have been provisionally allocated, at the beginning or end of that month.

The political anoraks among you will also realise that the Court dates fall after the Mayoral election in London, which is actually where the future of the Market will really be decided. If Boris wins, the scheme will go ahead in its present form in all likelihood. If Ken wins it will probably be binned as he hinted heavily when I interviewed him during his visit to the Pie & Mash shop that is set to be knocked down as part of the scheme. Just like the King Street scheme.

So ... high stakes!

UPDATE SATURDAY - The dates are confirmed - a two day behind-closed-doors hearing on May 15-16. Meanwhile I am hearing that Council Leader Stephen Greenhalgh may meet the owners of some of the Goldhawk Shops, who have invited me along too. Will report back. 


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