Hammersmith Irish Centre to be re-built

A planning development will take place in Hammersmith without controversy soon, marking a first in a long while for our Borough.

I reported here that the Irish Centre had been saved from possible destruction after our Council had a change of mind about their support for the project. The Irish Government, after expressing disappointment with H&F, stepped in with a grant that secured its future.

The centre, on Blacks Road, will now be demolished and rebuilt from scratch, including residential housing, according to the Irish post. Speaking to that paper the Irish Centre's board thanked its supporters, saying:

"We wish to confirm that the Irish Government has granted £550,000 to the Irish Cultural Centre to assist us secure the purchase of the freehold of this building and in recognition of the significant work carried out by the Centre to promote Irish culture in London.

"We wish to publicly express our sincere gratitude to the Irish Government for assisting us secure a permanent home in London that is dedicated to Irish culture, our country’s greatest resource."


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