Get yer Bush Xmas Trees here

...only 300 odd shopping days left til Christmas 2012 so best get preparing for the tree, I'd say. No, actually I'd say I've been pretty crap at reporting a local business story that I let fall through the gaps of what was for me a fairly heavy December with the day job. So this is my attempt to make ammends - at the very least put this local company's details in your diary ready for next Christmas - their name is Shoots & Leaves - and are a local firm of landscape gardners who also - and I kid you not - visit Denmark and Scotland in the summer and "choose"  3,000 + trees.

They tag the ones they want and 6 months later they turn up on a truck (well, quite a few trucks).  If you don't like your tree its their fault.    They deliver and set up in peoples homes and have been doing it for 12 years.

What's special?  The vision they have - they know they have cracked the code on this market and they want to expand rapidly - lots of seasonal employment for the area - which you can support by benefitting from what I am told is excellent and local customer service. Visit their website here and bookmark it - I'll be reminding you of their services nearer the time at the end of what promises to be an amazing year for London. 


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